Ultrasound Technician Schools in New Hampshire (Become a Sonographer)

New Hampshire map

Now is a perfect time for interested people to pursue an education at one of the ultrasound technician schools in New Hampshire.

It is our advice to find the accredited schools offering degree or certificate programs in the area, as their graduates can be sure they have achieved the best possible education and training.

The reason why this profession is so attractive is a job market in sonography that is expected to grow at an above-normal pace.

Plus, in this state, the median annual salary exceeds the national by about $7000 per year.

However, prior to determining whether this career is really the one you want to devote your life to, make sure you know what diagnostic medical sonographers do during the course of the day.

They are professionals who play a vital role in health care by helping physicians detect, diagnose, and treat disease by taking images of the inside of the body.

Accredited Ultrasound Technician Schools in New Hampshire

The school listed below is the only school in New Hampshire that has met the CAAHEP DMS Accreditation Standards and Guidelines by passing a series of program reviews, including a self-study review and a site visit.

  • NHTI-Concord’s Community College – 31 College Drive Concord, NH 03301

If you can choose, it is our advice to enroll in and successfully complete this recognized New Hampshire DMS program as its students can earn eligibility to sit for the ARDMS​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ Sonography Principles & Instrumentation (SPI) examination.

When the duration of your education is in question, it depends on the program you choose to enroll in:

  • Certificate programs: One year in duration, with several hundred hours of clinical work
  • Associate degree programs: Two years of full-time study and about 500 hours of clinical work
  • Bachelor’s degree programs: Four years of education and 500 or more hours of clinical work

During your studies, you will learn some of the following courses:

  • Human Anatomy and Physiology
  • Physics in Medical Imaging
  • Radiation in Medicine
  • Diagnostic Medical Sonography Techniques

Ultrasound Tech Certification Requirements in New Hampshire

Unlike the majority of the USA states, from May 2016, New Hampshire became the 4th state to require licensure of its sonographers.

The only way of getting a license in this state is to qualify for it, meaning that you must have current certification and registration in sonography from the American Registry of Radiologic Technologists (ARRT), American Registry for Diagnostic Medical Sonography (ARDMS), Cardiovascular Credentialing International (CCI), or a certification organization approved by the Board of Medical Imaging and Radiation Therapy.

The American Registry for Diagnostic Medical Sonography (ARDMS) is the primary organization offering certification for sonographers.

Taking and passing their exam is required and there is only one testing center in the state to take the exam.

You can easily find the locations and contact information on the ARDMS website at ardms.org, or by calling the testing company Pearson Vue at 1-877-258-9220.

However, you should not get in touch with them unless you meet their prerequisites.

So as to be allowed to take the exam you must either graduate from a program accredited by the Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs (CAAHEP) or gain a determined number of clinical experience.

Once you are ready to apply for an ARDMS examination, you should log in to MY ARDMS and choose Apply Online.

Then, you need to complete the online application form and submit payment.

The required supporting documentation must be submitted within 21 days of applying online by uploading it into your MY ARDMS account.

Documentation required with the application is:

  • Copy of an official transcript from a two-year allied health education program with a state-specific number of credits.
  • Copy of education program certificate, certification, or license.
  • Letter from a supervising physician, ARDMS-Registered sonographer/technologist, or the educational program director indicating a minimum of 12 months of full-time clinical/ vascular experience.
  • Signed and completed clinical verification (CV) form for each appropriate specialty area(s)
  • Copy of non-expired government-issued photo identification (ID) with signature

By earning a certificate in a specialized sector of the ultrasound technology industry, you can increase your employment opportunities across New Hampshire.

There are many fields that you can specialize such as vascular ultrasound and breast sonography.

Even those who do not have an accredited degree can get a certificate, but they will need to fulfill other requirements before taking the certification exam.

Those requirements include an externship, additional work experience, and an approved ultrasonography program.

After getting a certificate, you will need to renew it every second year by earning 24 credits of ultrasound training.

This will make you updated with the latest technologies and will keep you in touch with advancements in the ever-developing sonography field.

Ultrasound Techs Salary And Job Outlook In New Hampshire

Getting a job is the second aim of future sonographers and the majority of ultrasound techs in New Hampshire work in surgical and general medical hospitals.

Employment can also be found in physicians’ offices and privately owned diagnostic medical imaging centers.

In New Hampshire, ultrasound technicians earn a median wage of $94065.

Job growth in the area is expected to be strong, with an increase in employment of 19% in the ten-year period.

If you live in the city of Manchester, there are the top two employers in the city – Elliot Hospital and Catholic Medical Center which offer great employment opportunities for sonographers and you can look for a job there.

The higher degree in sonography you get, the more competitive candidate for the sought after positions you will become.

In case you possess a bachelor’s or master’s degree, you can expect a salary that can reach up to $108546 per year.

You also have to consider salary averages in different specialties and in different parts of the state:

  • Ultrasound Technician Salary in New Hampshire – Expected growth of 19%,  $78,630 per year
  • Vascular Sonographer Salary in New Hampshire – Expected growth of 8%, $63,240 per year
  • MRI Technologist Salary in New Hampshire—Expected growth of 12% between 2016 and 2026, $72,260 per year
  • Cardiac Sonographer Salary in New Hampshire – Expected growth of 8%, $63,240 per year
  • Radiology Tech Salary in New Hampshire—Expected growth of 8% between 2016 and 2026, $60,720 per year (Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2018)

Annual Salary Range:


Average Salary of Ultrasound Technicians in New Hampshire

City NameSalary
* Salary information last updated 2024

Regional Salary in New Hampshire

RegionEmployedAvg. Annual SalaryAvg. Hourly PayTop 10% Annual SalaryBottom 10% Annual Salary
Manchester, NH70$89,710$43.13$107,080$68,710
Portsmouth, NH-ME50$84,160$40.46$104,000$68,440
* Salary information based on the May 2022 Occupational Employment Statistics (OES) Survey for Diagnostic Medical Sonographers, OCC Code 29-2032, BLS.
* Employment conditions in your area may vary.

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