Top 3 Colleges and Phlebotomy Schools Near Nashua, NH
What a phlebotomy school in Nashua, New Hampshire offers is much more than job training and skills.
Choose to study phlebotomy in NH and gain a pathway to employment, along with a desire to learn everything there is to know on the subject.
Start here with a list of the leading phlebotomy schools in Nashua, NH.
Then prepare for a course on phlebotomy alongside Greeley River, Mine Falls Park, and other quintessential New England locales.
With proper phlebotomy training and professional laboratory clinicals, medical professionals can excel in their career.
Become a leader in the medical industry by taking phlebotomy training and certification near you.
These three colleges offer accredited training along with certification opportunities.
See how this training fits your busy schedule as a future phlebotomist technician.
Phlebotomists annual average salary in How to Become a Phlebotomist in New Hampshire is $35,630 - ABOVE U.S. AVERAGE!
Phlebotomy and Safety Training Center

Phlebotomy Safety Training
About the Phlebotomy and Safety Training Center
The Phlebotomy and Safety Training Center is located east of Nashua by 1.5 miles in Hudson, NH.
The school is just across the Merrimack River and shares a campus with the Lobster Boat Plaza.
Students learn the skills and tools necessary for a successful career as a phlebotomist in New Hampshire.
Start a long and prosperous medical career by becoming a training phlebotomist with this training center.
The tuition for the phlebotomy and safety training course is $800, which must be paid in full at the start of class.
This class fee does not cover the National HealthCareer Association certification exam that is required for certification as a NH phlebotomist.
However, students receive training that covers the information included in the certification exam.
Courses Offered in Phlebotomy Safety Training
Tasks and coursework include handling biohazard specimens and infectious diseases, as well as providing full documentation in the laboratory.
This training successfully prepares phlebotomist students for handling blood and other bodily fluids safely and with care.
Classes are available day and evening.
Day classes run only on Monday and Wednesday, while evening classes are scheduled Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday.
In total, each program is five weeks in length.
Each class is attended at the training center in person, except for laboratory practice completed at a hospital, research lab, or other third-party designated location.
Address: hlebotomy and Safety Training Center 273 Derry Road, Route 102 Litchfield, NH 03052
LNA Health Careers

Online Phlebotomy Technician
About LNA Health Careers Online Phlebotomy
Only 17 miles north of Nashua in Manchester, NH is LNA Health Careers, where students can study phlebotomy.
At LNAHC, there is an online course for phlebotomy, as well as a phlebotomy refresher course.
The basic phlebotomy course is only available online, which is convenient for Nashua, NH residents.
There is no commuting, saving students time and money on the course.
However, the career center has 12 locations throughout New Hampshire, including in Manchester.
This gives phlebotomy students who are going to school online an opportunity to maintain campus connections or a school identity.
Students in online phlebotomy are not required to attend campus events.
Yet, having a physical campus can be beneficial to the learning experience.
Once the coursework is successfully completed, students must certify as a phlebotomy technician.
This involves taking a nationally recognized board exam, as directed in the training program.
The career center has resources to guide grads on where to take the certification exam.
Courses Offered to Online Phlebotomy Technicians
The phlebotomy course for LNA Health Careers is available through an online platform managed in-house by LNAHC.
Students train for 90 credit hours in phlebotomy.
This course prepares students for the National HealthCareers certification exam.
In order to receive credit for course attendance, students attend online coursework for at least 30 hours in total.
There are two additional aspects of the LNAHC online phlebotomy training program.
Students must successfully pass phlebotomy theory coursework.
The theoretical course work must be completed in person.
In addition, onsite laboratory sessions for 30 hours along with an in-person clinical externship are also mandatory.
To complete the program, each student is required to complete 120 hours at an approved phlebotomy clinic or facility.
Upon completion of the LNA Health Careers training course, graduates are ready to become Nationally Certified Phlebotomy Technicians.
This certification requires phlebotomy grads to sit for a board exam at the national level.
Thankfully, the LNAHC prepares students for this certification exam.
Along with information on the exam material that is taught in the course, students learn about the logistics of where they should take the exam.
Address: LNA Health Careers 70 Market Street Manchester, NH 03101
St. Joseph School of Nursing

Phlebotomy Training Program
About St. Joseph School of Nursing Phlebotomy Training Program
The St. Joseph Hospital in Nashua, NH is a prime setting for phlebotomy training.
Students gain first-person experience and knowledge from nurses and doctors onsite at the hospital on campus.
The Phlebotomy Training Program is one of several School of Nursing opportunities for students interested in the medical profession.
The St. Joseph School of Nursing is fully accredited by the Commission of Career Schools and Colleges.
Students attending the Phlebotomy Training Program at the satellite campus in Nashua, NH can also earn an Associate of Science in Nursing.
The phlebotomy training would coincide with a nursing degree.
In order to work as a nurse, students must also be certified as a phlebotomist to draw blood.
Courses Offered in Phlebotomy Training Program
The St. Joseph School of Nursing Phlebotomy Training Program is one of the more hands-on learning opportunities for Nashua, NH phlebotomist hopefuls.
For this college-level course, students must complete 50 venipunctures with success and documentation.
This laboratory practice is required along with 120 credit hours.
Coursework for phlebotomist students includes drawing blood samples and testing blood for diseases.
Students train in theory, as well as practical skills for phlebotomists.
Interpersonal training is also required for phlebotomists in this medical profession.
Address: t. Joseph Hospital 172 Kinsley Street Nashua, NH 03060