Not everyone can perform blood draws for testing or donation.
Phlebotomy is a respected and lucrative specialized medical field.
In Tennessee, the average annual salary is $36,848.
The main requirements are certification and licensing in this medical area.
Here are schools in Nashville where education and training are available to begin your journey to becoming a phlebotomist.
Other courses available include radiology, EKG certification, CNA, and medical imaging programs.
Phlebotomists annual average salary in How to Become a Phlebotomist in Tennessee is $31,892 - ABOVE U.S. AVERAGE!
NHS School of Health Scientists

This school has over 60 years of experience providing phlebotomy training for students.
Located at 1818 Albion Street, its goal is to offer high-quality skills, patient care, and problem-solving techniques.
The final result is passing the Certified Phlebotomy Technician (CPT) examination administered by the National Health Association (NHA).
The 12-week program consists of classes held on Tuesday and Thursday evenings for six weeks.
Clinical studies are held for weeks 7-12 during the day.
The program costs $950, with a $50 deposit.
There are no loan options available, but state financial assistance centers may be able to offer aid.
Other expenses that students should expect are:
- Required textbook and workbook – approximately $85
- Drug screening – $35
- Background check – $50
- Liability insurance – $35
- Certification exam (after program completion) – roughly $120
Other out-of-pocket expenses are immunizations, uniforms, and CPR training.
For more information, contact the school at 615-3414659.
Phlebotomy Training Specialists

Authorized by the Tennessee Higher Education Commission, they offer classes in many states, and your graduate status is acceptable anywhere in the country.
Courses are designed to fit your schedule, with day, weekend, and evening classes available. No other medical courses are offered.
Forty-eight hours are fit into 4-hour classes during the week or 8-hour classes on the weekend.
A National Exam can be taken on the last day of your program.
Convenience for students is this school’s goal: to find and train the best phlebotomists who wish to participate.
The VeinViewer™ is available by Phlebotomy Training Specialists, the only school in the country.
Active Vascular Imaging Navigation technology (AVIN) is cutting-edge and provides an authentic view into the skin for specific vessels.
For the career-minded phlebotomist, this piece of equipment is irreplaceable.
Payment plans are also available for class tuition, deposit, materials, and the National Exam.
The total amount for everything is $995.
The Phlebotomy Training Specialists School is at 2 International Plaza, Suite 108, Nashville, TN 37217. Call 701-404-9434 to get started today.
Address: 2 International Plaza, Suite 108, Nashville, TN
Northwest Phlebotomy School Nashville

he office is at
he office is at 1350 Rosa L Parks Blvd #454, Nashville, TN, while classes meet at the Courtyard Nashville Airport. In addition to phlebotomy training, IV classes are also available.
Phlebotomy courses are scheduled monthly and can be completed in 3 short days. The combination of lab and lecture within a small group setting helps to create an intense, one-on-one experience with equipment and procedures. The program does not recognize college credits, but they are approved by the National Registry of Allied Health Professionals (NRAHP).
The total course cost is $675, with a $150 non-refundable enrollment fee. Off-site group training for medical assistants, nurses, EMTs, and oral surgeons’ offices can be arranged.
If you are anxious to start your phlebotomy training immediately, contact the office at 360-522-3226 or complete the online form at www.nwphlebotomyschool.com/contact/.
, while classes meet at the Courtyard Nashville Airport.
In addition to phlebotomy training, IV classes are also available.
Phlebotomy courses are scheduled monthly and can be completed in 3 short days.
The combination of lab and lecture within a small group setting helps to create an intense, one-on-one experience with equipment and procedures.
The program does not recognize college credits, but they are approved by the National Registry of Allied Health Professionals (NRAHP).
The total course cost is $675, with a $150 non-refundable enrollment fee.
Off-site group training for medical assistants, nurses, EMTs, and oral surgeons’ offices can be arranged.
If you are anxious to start your phlebotomy training immediately, contact the office at 360-522-3226 or complete the online form at www.nwphlebotomyschool.com/contact/.
Address: 1350 Rosa L Parks Blvd #454, Nashville, TN
NGH School of Health Sciences

The Nashville General Hospital’s (NGH) School of Health Sciences offers phlebotomy courses, EKG, CNA, Medical Imaging, and Radiology classes for a great start to your medical career.
Located at 1818 Albion St, Nashville, TN 37208, they provide the proper programs and education to get you started.
The Phlebotomy Technician Certification Program explains the blood-drawing procedures, care testing, and preparation of blood specimens for testing.
Twelve weeks of classroom and hands-on learning will prepare you for the final in-house Certification exam.
The breakdown of costs is as follows:
- Required textbook and workbook – approximately $85
- Drug screening – $35
- Background check – $50
- Liability insurance – $35
- Certification exam (after program completion) – roughly $120
The total tuition fee is $950, with a deposit of $50. Applying for the program is easy. C
all 615-341-4659 or contact the school online at info@NGHSchoolHealthSciences.com.
Address: 1818 Albion St, Nashville, TN
NATS Career Institute

Located at 1161 Murfreesboro Pike #217, Nashville, TN, the school has been in business for over a quarter of a century and is a not-for-profit organization approved by the Tennessee Higher Education Commission and the State of Tennessee Department of Health.
Classes are provided in phlebotomy, nurse assistant training, and clinical medical assistant.
The phlebotomy class runs for four weeks from Monday to Thursday, 5-9 p.m.
Simulated and live training covers venipuncture and laboratory techniques in preparation for the national exam.
Credits from NATS may not be transferred to other schools. All costs are as follows:
Application fee: Free
Lab fee: $50.00
Tuition: $850.00
Financial aid may be available through the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA).
For the required qualifications, contact the American Job Center (AJC) at 615-253-8920.
Contact the NATS office at (615) 333-8474 for questions about enrolling in the next phlebotomy training course.
Address: 1161 Murfreesboro Pike #217, Nashville, TN